Flying from Buenos Aires to Atlanta by Delta. May 2015

In November last year was my debut flying Delta Airlines from Buenos Aires to Atlanta , as a stopover prior to New York.

I was looking forward to this second chance as we were going with our son this time. He, accustomed to traveling on LAN, wanted him to fly for another airline.

I wanted to get to Ezeiza with 4 hours of anticipation. I am of those who prefer to wait at the airport before home, if you already have everything

I also wanted to take advantage of the Star Alliance VIP in Ezeiza (see the Post) , to start the trip in the best way.The time came and the remis was already waiting at the door of the house. A new adventure was beginning …

Already on the Ezeiza – Cañuelas Highway, and as if to kill those 15 minutes separating El Patio from the Airport, I started to review all the papers for the last time. We arrived at the Terminal that at that time was very quiet. A beautiful day accompanied. While it was early, I was surprised by how few people there were in the Hall and surroundings.

We were warned that they were still not checking in for the Delta flight. In fact, on the counters, they were checking out the Air France flight slips(I.e. As seen in the photo, the solitude and tranquility reigned in the hall of the Terminal.

Out of curiosity I approached the Yellow Terminals of Self – check in which were absolutely empty. We tried and successfully already had the 6 boarding passes issued (2 per pax).

Pegadito to the yellow machines, and as we saw that in AFIP there was no one to declare, we approached to ask for a form that we already had printed.

Although it was not possible to present the declaration for not having issued the boarding pass, we did the same procedure. For them it was also to advance before the majority of the people(I.e.

Already with the Boarding Pass and the DD.JJ. Of AFIP sealed, we were ready to go up. But we needed to dispatch our luggage, so we went to wait near the counters.

As more passengers began to arrive, 2 rows were formed: those who had issued the boarding pass and those who did not.

At that time, the ranks were similar and were passing to these counters to do a sort of previous check where Delta girls wrote personal information on a worksheet. Punctually at 5:00 pm they started calling. The girl who took care of us, very nice, made everything very fast. He despatched all the bags and we finished with the check in. By that time, the malon had arrived(I.e.

We quickly went to the security checkpoint. There was no one ! Those of the PSA were chatting with each other. We passed the door and entered migrations where the room was absolutely empty. As soon as we arrived we entered box 3 without delay.

17.20 hs and we were already looking at some things in the free-shop. 20 minutes to check in and migrations. A Very few people at that time and very few planes to photograph. Directly we went for the Star Alliance VIP, walking up to the entrance in front of Gate 9.

Minutes before 19.00 we went to the gate 14 where the flight was leaving. The line had already formed.

Behind us, on the other side of the glass, the Delta Airlines Boeing 767 N171DZ license plate of almost 17 years old waited on platform.

Arrived the call to embark from Zone 2 and after the final control of hand luggage, we were already walking up the sleeve.

Arriving at the door of the plane we were met by a nice TCP and I asked him to take some pictures of the cockpit, which he acceded very kindly.

I entered with son, who sat in the command of the right and with cap of captain included, we took some photos.

The pilot that gave us the seat on the right was the same as the flight we did in November 2014 (I.e.

After the visit to the cockpit and a small talk with the pilots, they said goodbye with a “enjoy the flight” and we were happy for the background. We entered the right aisle looking for our seats where the wife was already sitting.

The plane was complete except for the Business Elite class. The B767 Business Elite is really nice … it would have been nice to travel there (I.e.

We continue to the bottom and come to our seats. The middle 3, row 32. I sat on the left. I started playing with the monitor. I had my own FlightRadar(I.e. While I had fun and prepared the map for take-off, my son and canchero, his movie was chosen. We embark all on time, and wait for our turn. Very calm even though the plane was complete.

Exactly at 20.05 hrs we made the push back and we rolled to head of track 11 where we waited approximately 5 minutes until the final authorization to take off.

We passed over El Patio and greeted from above to Dog.

Once stabilized they distributed the forms of migrations, the hot wipes and a small bottle of water DaSani.

1 hour later they brought the food for son. I had done my homework and had requested via web, the special meal. His seat was identified with the CHML sticker (food for children).

What was in there? A delicious Milanese (I ate a bit !!) with yellow rice(I.e. For adults the choice was chicken or pasta: I went for the second. They passed twice offering drinks and I used to write part of this report in my beloved and already deceased Startac

Then I started to watch a movie: “The Theory of Everything”. Then I tried to sleep but I could not, so I took advantage of seeing “Unbraken”.

I fell asleep, so I turned everything off and went to sleep for a few hours. I woke up and went to the bottom.

They were already preparing breakfast to start the service. Many had already awakened, others were still asleep.

Missing an hour and a half to get to Atlanta, they turned on the lights for breakfast.

Again they brought the son’s food first. And the adults. Very rich both sandwiches(I.e.In the meantime I took advantage of and continued with mine (I.e.

They quickly lifted the service and within minutes the Captain announced the descent The landing was very smooth and after a few minutes we reached the platform. There you can see that the Airport is immense !!

In Atlanta, even at dawn, everything was dark and from the middle seats I could not take any photos. When we got there and got off the plane, there I was able to take a photo of him.

It had fulfilled the first of the three flights of the day.

We had migrations ahead and waited almost 3 hours to continue with the second flight to the city of Miami aboard a Delta MD80, to then connect with a B737 from American final destination Cancun.

But that we leave for future Post, already with photos from the window

It’s the third trip I make with Delta’s B767, and I must say that in all three the service and flight in general was excellent. A watch.

Although I find more comfortable the seats of tourist class of the Boeing 767 of LAN, would doubtless fly again by Delta, and more to the price that I bought the tickets (I.e.

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