Shatter Me PDF by Tahereh Mafi – 2011 book

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Today I publish this review with the great hope that they do not seem like a jumble of desperate words from a fangirl Haha.

And I liked the book. I can not say that it has been the best thing I have read but it is that the plot itself had me in tension all the time.
Our protagonist Juliette, has a deadly touch. She is locked in by the Restoration, an initiative created to “save” the population from the global catastrophe.
Juliette’s life begins to change when she enters her life -Adam- a boy who hides secrets but in the end will always be there for her. And on the other hand we have Warner, the ruthless, cruel guy, who keeps her against his will.
I think it’s not hard to imagine that between these three things will happen. That caused me a lot of conflict, because I really wanted to start this Shatter Me PDF but when I found out that there was a kind of love triangle I thought about not reading it. In the end I convinced myself and I liked it.
It is set in a dystopian world where nature has deteriorated and every living being is in danger of extinction.
The story itself has seemed good, I do not think it has so much originality but despite everything the author knows how to hook the book.
The first chapters of Shatter Me PDF were heavy but as the story progresses I could not stop. I read the PDF in a day>. <I do not know how I could Haha
The fact that the story handled a kind of love triangle was what worried me most about the story … Juliette despite everything I do a very strong girl, I know, will have great evolution in other books. Adam made me very … perfect? and not in a good way. Really, I tried to love him but I could not. It is that everything does so well that I feel that it hides something. And Warner .. for God haha ??I have for the bad guys! I swear I tried to hate him but I could not. It does seem psychopathic sometimes but it is the SOUL of the story in my opinion. The chapters that he enjoyed the most were the ones he appeared, and maybe they say WHAT! he is crazy! but I feel that it also hides many things.
For this book I am not so sure that Team I am but Adam gives me … laziness. So yes, I guess I’m Team Warner because he’s crazy but I love it hahaha (I’ll clarify, if I know how to behave more psychopath in the following books I reserve the right to change my opinion)>. <
Well, this is more than clear because I do not like to read books that include love trios hahaha, I have more pending to continue the books just to know if Juliette stays with Adam, with Warner or what the hell happens haha ??bone has earned me nothing the dystopian story: Shatter Me (Download PDF).
I get with the next soon of that there is no doubt. And yes, I recommend that I assure you that there is history beyond these three.
PD: The covers of this saga are the most beautiful * – *
My Favorite Characters?
>. <For denying it more, Warner , if Juliette does not choose you, you can stay with me haha
The author:

Tahereh Mafi

She is a 24-year-old American writer, daughter of Iranian immigrants, who was born and raised in Connecticut and California.
He began his career reading and writing for his fans, after graduating from Soka University in California.
He works as a representative of ‘Jodi Reamer of Writers House, LLC’.
His first novel, ‘Shatter me’, is the first PDF book in a fantasy trilogy for teenagers, published in 2011 in the USA.

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