United Intranet Login

The United Intranet as United Airlines employee portal

A United Intranet is a technical platform and a set of procedures that allow improving the communication of resources and their access to the information and knowledge of the organization.

  • It improves communication channels within the organization.
  • It allows the organization and process of the work around the information.
  • Share information and training resources.
  • Share computer resources (applications) and utilities.
  • It facilitates the work of network users by having quick access to everything.
  • It establishes an infrastructure for the exploitation of internal applications.

Final stage of document management forĀ the employee intranet

All files are stored securely and neatly in a single (or virtually unique) repository.
The internal user can easily find any document by several methods:
A powerful search engine.

  • An internal web site of intranet with categories (user-oriented)
  • An enriched file structure (project oriented)
  • There is no mixing of good documents with obsolete, always accessing the latest version.
  • The users must work procedurally, following guidelines related to:
    • Document Approval
    • Indexing documents
    • Blocking documents
    • Publication of documents
    • Flight tickets
  • The office tools (MS word, powerpoint, excell) are integrated with the document management allowing / forcing to work with the Intranet United.
  • Users see and access what they need to access.

Final Scenario of the Airline Community

  • The home page of Web browsers is the company’s Intranet and is a common place of access and consultation for all employees.
  • All employees have access to direct, fluid and undistorted corporate information. In addition, they have the opportunity to interact with that core of information (suggestion box, surveys, etc.)
  • There is an updated presentation of internal and external events of the company.
  • The different departments “sell” their value and activity to the rest of the company.
  • There are areas of use to create joint working groups (improvement commissions, communities, meetings, etc.)
  • All collaborators have fast, updated and unique access to all applications, addresses, telephones, organization chart, delegations, services, reference links, templates, etc.


of Document Management

  • Saving time wasted searching for documents and / or modifying the wrong version.
  • Saving by reducing errors and loss of documents and information about tickets.
  • Savings for operational improvements obtained from:
  • The integration of office automation and document management in a single environment
  • Proceeding the work of the whole team
  • Guidance approval flows
  • The utilities associated with the system (eg warnings of incorporation of new documents)
  • Standardization of organization information
  • Avoid duplicate documents in media such as mail, folders, etc.

… of the United Airlines Employee community

  • Saving time and errors when finding the right corporate information without redundancy.
  • Improvement of the levels of internal communication and increase of the satisfaction of the HR (improvement of the levels of work environment)
  • Focus and uniformity of the company’s vision of UnitedĀ Airlines.