Shatter Me PDF by Tahereh Mafi – 2011 book

Download Shatter Me PDF

Today I publish this review with the great hope that they do not seem like a jumble of desperate words from a fangirl Haha.

And I liked the book. I can not say that it has been the best thing I have read but it is that the plot itself had me in tension all the time.
Our protagonist Juliette, has a deadly touch. She is locked in by the Restoration, an initiative created to “save” the population from the global catastrophe.
Juliette’s life begins to change when she enters her life -Adam- a boy who hides secrets but in the end will always be there for her. And on the other hand we have Warner, the ruthless, cruel guy, who keeps her against his will.
I think it’s not hard to imagine that between these three things will happen. That caused me a lot of conflict, because I really wanted to start this Shatter Me PDF but when I found out that there was a kind of love triangle I thought about not reading it. In the end I convinced myself and I liked it.
It is set in a dystopian world where nature has deteriorated and every living being is in danger of extinction.
The story itself has seemed good, I do not think it has so much originality but despite everything the author knows how to hook the book.
The first chapters of Shatter Me PDF were heavy but as the story progresses I could not stop. I read the PDF in a day>. <I do not know how I could Haha
The fact that the story handled a kind of love triangle was what worried me most about the story … Juliette despite everything I do a very strong girl, I know, will have great evolution in other books. Adam made me very … perfect? and not in a good way. Really, I tried to love him but I could not. It is that everything does so well that I feel that it hides something. And Warner .. for God haha ??I have for the bad guys! I swear I tried to hate him but I could not. It does seem psychopathic sometimes but it is the SOUL of the story in my opinion. The chapters that he enjoyed the most were the ones he appeared, and maybe they say WHAT! he is crazy! but I feel that it also hides many things.
For this book I am not so sure that Team I am but Adam gives me … laziness. So yes, I guess I’m Team Warner because he’s crazy but I love it hahaha (I’ll clarify, if I know how to behave more psychopath in the following books I reserve the right to change my opinion)>. <
Well, this is more than clear because I do not like to read books that include love trios hahaha, I have more pending to continue the books just to know if Juliette stays with Adam, with Warner or what the hell happens haha ??bone has earned me nothing the dystopian story: Shatter Me (Download PDF).
I get with the next soon of that there is no doubt. And yes, I recommend that I assure you that there is history beyond these three.
PD: The covers of this saga are the most beautiful * – *
My Favorite Characters?
>. <For denying it more, Warner , if Juliette does not choose you, you can stay with me haha
The author:

Tahereh Mafi

She is a 24-year-old American writer, daughter of Iranian immigrants, who was born and raised in Connecticut and California.
He began his career reading and writing for his fans, after graduating from Soka University in California.
He works as a representative of ‘Jodi Reamer of Writers House, LLC’.
His first novel, ‘Shatter me’, is the first PDF book in a fantasy trilogy for teenagers, published in 2011 in the USA.

Delta CEO signals optimism for 2017 results

In February, the airline paid $ 1.1 billion to employees in profit sharing and provides for a further reduction in debt.

Boston – Delta AirLines president Ed Bastian signaled optimism about the 2017 results, saying he hopes to meet with the company’s newest investor, billionaire Warren Buffett, soon.

Two months ago, Delta announced a record performance in 2016 but noted that higher fuel prices and wage costs could push margins in the March quarter ahead of an expansion in the second half of the year.

“The numbers are good … we are on a good track record,” said Bastian. The executive projected Delta’s pre-tax annual profit of about $ 6 billion, basically in line with last year’s.

In February, the airline paid $ 1.1 billion to employees in profit sharing and provides for a further reduction in debt.

Speaking at a luncheon at the Boston College Chief Executives Club, Bastian cited the company’s approximately 180 million customers, its 80,000 employees and the largest shareholder, billionaire Warren Buffett.

The billionaire gave a vote of confidence to the aviation industry by raising its stake in American Airlines, Delta and United in the fourth quarter, as well as taking a position on Southwest Airlines.

At Delta alone, Buffett invested $ 3 billion. He and the airline’s president are due to meet soon.

Recently, Bastian met with President Donald Trump and said that security would be paramount concern.

Flying from Buenos Aires to Atlanta by Delta. May 2015

In November last year was my debut flying Delta Airlines from Buenos Aires to Atlanta , as a stopover prior to New York.

I was looking forward to this second chance as we were going with our son this time. He, accustomed to traveling on LAN, wanted him to fly for another airline.

I wanted to get to Ezeiza with 4 hours of anticipation. I am of those who prefer to wait at the airport before home, if you already have everything

I also wanted to take advantage of the Star Alliance VIP in Ezeiza (see the Post) , to start the trip in the best way.The time came and the remis was already waiting at the door of the house. A new adventure was beginning …

Already on the Ezeiza – Cañuelas Highway, and as if to kill those 15 minutes separating El Patio from the Airport, I started to review all the papers for the last time. We arrived at the Terminal that at that time was very quiet. A beautiful day accompanied. While it was early, I was surprised by how few people there were in the Hall and surroundings.

We were warned that they were still not checking in for the Delta flight. In fact, on the counters, they were checking out the Air France flight slips(I.e. As seen in the photo, the solitude and tranquility reigned in the hall of the Terminal.

Out of curiosity I approached the Yellow Terminals of Self – check in which were absolutely empty. We tried and successfully already had the 6 boarding passes issued (2 per pax).

Pegadito to the yellow machines, and as we saw that in AFIP there was no one to declare, we approached to ask for a form that we already had printed.

Although it was not possible to present the declaration for not having issued the boarding pass, we did the same procedure. For them it was also to advance before the majority of the people(I.e.

Already with the Boarding Pass and the DD.JJ. Of AFIP sealed, we were ready to go up. But we needed to dispatch our luggage, so we went to wait near the counters.

As more passengers began to arrive, 2 rows were formed: those who had issued the boarding pass and those who did not.

At that time, the ranks were similar and were passing to these counters to do a sort of previous check where Delta girls wrote personal information on a worksheet. Punctually at 5:00 pm they started calling. The girl who took care of us, very nice, made everything very fast. He despatched all the bags and we finished with the check in. By that time, the malon had arrived(I.e.

We quickly went to the security checkpoint. There was no one ! Those of the PSA were chatting with each other. We passed the door and entered migrations where the room was absolutely empty. As soon as we arrived we entered box 3 without delay.

17.20 hs and we were already looking at some things in the free-shop. 20 minutes to check in and migrations. A Very few people at that time and very few planes to photograph. Directly we went for the Star Alliance VIP, walking up to the entrance in front of Gate 9.

Minutes before 19.00 we went to the gate 14 where the flight was leaving. The line had already formed.

Behind us, on the other side of the glass, the Delta Airlines Boeing 767 N171DZ license plate of almost 17 years old waited on platform.

Arrived the call to embark from Zone 2 and after the final control of hand luggage, we were already walking up the sleeve.

Arriving at the door of the plane we were met by a nice TCP and I asked him to take some pictures of the cockpit, which he acceded very kindly.

I entered with son, who sat in the command of the right and with cap of captain included, we took some photos.

The pilot that gave us the seat on the right was the same as the flight we did in November 2014 (I.e.

After the visit to the cockpit and a small talk with the pilots, they said goodbye with a “enjoy the flight” and we were happy for the background. We entered the right aisle looking for our seats where the wife was already sitting.

The plane was complete except for the Business Elite class. The B767 Business Elite is really nice … it would have been nice to travel there (I.e.

We continue to the bottom and come to our seats. The middle 3, row 32. I sat on the left. I started playing with the monitor. I had my own FlightRadar(I.e. While I had fun and prepared the map for take-off, my son and canchero, his movie was chosen. We embark all on time, and wait for our turn. Very calm even though the plane was complete.

Exactly at 20.05 hrs we made the push back and we rolled to head of track 11 where we waited approximately 5 minutes until the final authorization to take off.

We passed over El Patio and greeted from above to Dog.

Once stabilized they distributed the forms of migrations, the hot wipes and a small bottle of water DaSani.

1 hour later they brought the food for son. I had done my homework and had requested via web, the special meal. His seat was identified with the CHML sticker (food for children).

What was in there? A delicious Milanese (I ate a bit !!) with yellow rice(I.e. For adults the choice was chicken or pasta: I went for the second. They passed twice offering drinks and I used to write part of this report in my beloved and already deceased Startac

Then I started to watch a movie: “The Theory of Everything”. Then I tried to sleep but I could not, so I took advantage of seeing “Unbraken”.

I fell asleep, so I turned everything off and went to sleep for a few hours. I woke up and went to the bottom.

They were already preparing breakfast to start the service. Many had already awakened, others were still asleep.

Missing an hour and a half to get to Atlanta, they turned on the lights for breakfast.

Again they brought the son’s food first. And the adults. Very rich both sandwiches(I.e.In the meantime I took advantage of and continued with mine (I.e.

They quickly lifted the service and within minutes the Captain announced the descent The landing was very smooth and after a few minutes we reached the platform. There you can see that the Airport is immense !!

In Atlanta, even at dawn, everything was dark and from the middle seats I could not take any photos. When we got there and got off the plane, there I was able to take a photo of him.

It had fulfilled the first of the three flights of the day.

We had migrations ahead and waited almost 3 hours to continue with the second flight to the city of Miami aboard a Delta MD80, to then connect with a B737 from American final destination Cancun.

But that we leave for future Post, already with photos from the window

It’s the third trip I make with Delta’s B767, and I must say that in all three the service and flight in general was excellent. A watch.

Although I find more comfortable the seats of tourist class of the Boeing 767 of LAN, would doubtless fly again by Delta, and more to the price that I bought the tickets (I.e.

Delta Air Lines is honored the Best Airline to The united states by Organization

This award recognizes the commitment of the airline in the Brazilian market and its constant effort to improve the travel experience

Delta Air Lines was awarded “Best Airline to North America” ??in the Companhia de Viagem Award, produced by Group of Company, responsible for the magazine and television program On the second edition, the award was created to recognize the best travel services for Brazilian customers in 15 categories.

“We are very pleased to receive this award, as it reaffirms our efforts to become the best American airline in Latin America and the Caribbean,” said Nicolás Ferri, Delta vice president for Latin America and the Caribbean. “” To be recognized by our colleagues Of the industry confirms the preference customers demonstrate by selecting Delta Air Lines for their business and pleasure travel to and from Latin America. ”

The awards ceremony was held last night at the Museu Brasileiro da Escultura – MUBE, and the winners were announced by Marcio Moraes, CEO of Grupo Companhia, television presenter and master of ceremonies during the event. Christophe Didier, director of Delta for Brazil and Multi National Accounts, received the award on behalf of Delta.

“Delta is honored to be recognized as the Best Airline to North America by Companhia de Viagem. I want to thank our team in Brazil for their incessant dedication to excellence, following Delta’s vision to become the best US airline in Latin America and the Caribbean, “Didier said. “Delta highly values ??customer feedback and this recognition shows that when you listen to your customers and invest in their comfort and travel experience, they maintain their preference and loyalty.”

“I am very pleased to honor Delta Air Lines as the Best Airline to the United States with the Featured Travel Company Award, the most important tourism awards in Brazil. Brazilians are now traveling more than ever before, with North America as the international destination Number 1, “said Marcio Moraes, CEO of Grupo Companhia. “The commitment of Delta Air Lines to its passengers is the best in the industry, and this is demonstrated by its extraordinary service and technological innovation.It is clear that every passenger is a priority for Delta, making our election simple as the number one airline to North America “.

Delta has invested $ 3 billion over the past two years to improve the customer experience, and also made an investment in regional strategic alliances such as the one it has with GOL. Through its alliance with GOL, Delta offers access to more destinations within Brazil than any other US airline. Delta customers can travel to 21 Brazilian cities that cover 99 percent of the top destinations that travelers traveling from the United States wish to visit. Delta operates 35 direct weekly flights between Brazil and the United States, including Atlanta, Detroit and New York-JFK to Sao Paulo, as well as from Atlanta to Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia.

Passengers flying to and from Brazil in Delta’s BusinessElite booth enjoy a wide range of premium products for a comfortable, relaxed and productive flight experience, including fully reclining seats. Delta also announced that beginning in June 2013, the BusinessElite cabin will offer the new bedding for the Westin Heavenly flight, which includes a Westin Heavenly pillow and luxurious duvet as well as a lumbar pillow for passengers on longer flights Of 12 hours, designed and manufactured exclusively for Delta.

Additional investments to enhance the customer experience include the recently redesigned menu for BusinessElite by chef Michelle Bernstein as well as an updated wine list by master sommelier Andrea Robinson; The ultimate in entertainment system with 250 movie library, 100 TV shows, 50 hours of HBO, video games and kid-friendly programs; Priority of inscription and collection of luggage and the new kit of amenities with products Tumi and Malin + Goetz.

In terms of technological innovation, Delta launched the Fly Delta application for iPad , part of a US $ 140 million investment in technology that will significantly improve the digital and online experience for the customer, including the launch of the new In mid-November and self-service kiosks renovated in September 2012.

Trying to improve the Portuguese-speaking customer experience, Delta launched two new social media channels last summer, promoting communication through different channels. Your Twitter channel Delta and @DeltaAjuda, provide customer support before, during and after the trip, while your Facebook channel goes beyond customer service to provide useful travel-specific suggestions from Brazil and guidance to enhance the travel experience. Travel of Brazilian customers.

Delta Extranet-Information Gathered and How it is Used

Delta Extranet is geared towards ensuring that your personal information is protected and as such, offers valuable information about how data collected is used. The internet has several benefits and while this is the case, it is important to ensure that your security is guaranteed at all times. In order to give you peace of mind the following are some of the things Delta Extranet has taken into consideration.

Information Gathered and it’s Use
Whenever you visit the Delta Extranet website, information is collected. This includes your visits, browser type, operating system and the pages accessed on their web. This information is then used for the purpose of optimizing on the kind of experience you receive whenever you visit the site. In addition to this, the website also receives information about the site you originated from.

Once you send an email using a link, Delta Extranet also retains the contents of the e-mail, your address and the type of response received from them. This is important for the simple reason it makes it easy for the website to follow up on any follow up questions that arise. More importantly, this information is used to analyze how they respond to your questions and consequently, this goes a long way to ensure you get quality service at all times. Other information that might be retained for the purpose of bettering the services you receive include your mailing address, name, e-mail and any issue raised or resolved.

Sharing Information
One of the major concerns people have when using the internet is to whom their personal information is divulged and this is not an issue you need to fret about. This is attributed to the fact that Delta Extranet does not in any way, sell your personal information or name to a third party. This is something that is not subject to change even in the near future. While this is the case, there are instances when certain information is shared with third parties for the purpose of accessing information that is in turn used by Delta Extranet. Note that when this is done, then the third party must first of all, agree to comply with the privacy polices set by Delta Extranet.

Use of Cookies and other Similar Technologies
The use of cookies and other technologies is for the purpose of ensuring that your experience on the site is improved. This usage is important for the simple reason it makes it easy to recognize any information that is of benefit to you and in turn, this is used to enhance all your interactions with Delta Extranet. There are instances when you might choose to refuse cookies but this is not advisable simply because this could have a negative impact on you. The site is known to offer valuable information about cookies usage and any questions you have are effectively answered.

It is important to note that Delta Extranet only sends emails and information that is related to Delta and as such, you don’t have to worry about receiving numerous promotional e-mails.

Delta Extranet App

Do you want to download Delta Extranet App?

Delta Air Lines serves up to 160 million customers each year. With its great global network, Delta and its partner airlines offer service to almost 400 destinations in around 70 countries on the six continents. They  take care for their customers and they want to give them the best services, that is why they developed this great tool: Delta Extranet App.

Here are all the items you need to know before downloading it. First you should know its specific functions: the Delta Extranet App is free to download and also free to use inflight.

It turns your smartphone into a useful tool which goes with you everywhere. For example, with Delta Extranet App you can check gate information and alerts about the latest flight. You can also check in, pay for exceeding bags and get your eBoarding pass in a quick, easy way. With some days in advance, through your Delta Extranet App you can view your seat and if it is necessary, change it in a second. Another task it allows is to check your status on the Standby and Upgrade lists. If you need to reebok missed or cancelled flights, you can also make it possible with Delta Extranet App. Even during your flight, or when you are on land, you can track your checked bag as if it were a package. The Delta Extranet App also allows exploring aircraft details and look for expanded airport information like transit details, weather, airport maps and Delta Sky Club locations. You can also see your SkyMiles balance and current Medallion status, or save a photo and make note of your parking spot.

Are you impressed? Delta Extranet App has a lot of functions and features, for free!

This application is hardly recommended to frequent passengers who need to know precise and fresh information.  It is developed in different supports, so you can download it for iPhone, for Windows Phone, for Android and of course, for Blackberry.

To install Delta Extranet App for iPhone, the requirements are: iOS 4.0 or later. It is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

If you need to install It in Windows Phone, it needs Windows Phone 7.5 OS or higher. The Delta Extranet App will use location services, phone identity, data services, push notification service, and the camera.

To use it i9n Android Smartphones, you will need a 2.1 OS or superior. The current version of Delta Extranet App is 1.7.

Finally, for Blackberry you will need a  5.0.0 or higher Smartphone. The latest version is 1.5.2.